Youth MMA
Our Program is designed for Young Adults ages 9-14. We focus on Striking and Wrestling techniques to give the skills to avoid getting hit and to avoid being taken down. We aim to instill the confidence in themselves to navigate their daily lives without fear of harm.

Self Defense
A Huge focus of our kids program is the use of MMA to protect ones' self form harm. Mastering the art of Muay Thai will make one capable of defending against strikes such as punches or kicks. Mastering the art of Wrestling, will aid one in defending against takedowns, or tackles. Create a robust and high level skill set will truly make the kids Bully-Proof

While Competition isn't a focus of the Bully-Proof program, the students do still have the opportunity to compete. Early Competitions will have no head contact and parents are fully in control of which rulesets they want their kids competiting.